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new mom

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Most people use the 9 months of pregnancy as a time to learn how babies work (generally) and stock up on essential baby gear so they’ll be ready when said baby arrives. The fact that you will become a parent, and this is likely the largest, most abrupt, and often challenging transition you will ever […]

becoming a parent
taking the mystery out of newborn sleep
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In this episode we discuss newborn sleep, although why would be because let’s be honest here, newborn babies don’t sleep. At least not in the way you might hope. Newborn Babies are Mysterious When my first was born I was given the advice, “Follow his lead! He’ll let you know what he needs!” Really? Because […]

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[box type=”blank” class=”border-dashed2″]Dustin Rowles is the senior Overlord over at Pajiba, where I spend most of my time diddling on the Internet, reading up on movies I’ll never have the childcare to go see and arguing about which Masterpiece Theater leading man is the hottest (there is only one answer to this question and it […]

parenting tips nobody ever tells you
happy healthy mom
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[box type=”blank” class=”border-dashed2″] Today we have a visitor from Australia where, as many of you know, I am practically Oprah. Emily is a writer and a Mom who has offered to share some great suggestions on how to not let being a new mom turn you into a bloated, exhausted, zombie-like mess. Welcome Emily! [/box] […]

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I get tons of baby sleep email, mostly because people don’t like to air their dirty baby sleep laundry in the comment section. I get it. The web is where we share parenting triumphs: baby’s first steps, first time on the potty, first Christmas. But email is where the real work of parenting happens: cry […]

Image of newborn baby lying on hand
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Giving birth is a big deal. Even an easy birth leaves most Moms feeling like wet cat food. Your house is probably full of meddling relatives and your living room is awash in baby blankets and burp cloths. Baby care and feeding is significantly less straight-forward than it seemed in that New Baby class you […]

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There are few things more fun for a new Mom (or even experienced Moms) than decorating the new baby’s room. We coordinate colors and stack diapers while quietly fantasizing about the sweet moments when we’ll gently lay our beloved newborn into her crib and silently creep out of the room to enjoy a healthy gourmet […]

Co-rooming with Mom and Kitty
Little Troublesome Tot
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For most of us, prior to giving birth the only previous experience we’ve had with babies is when we watched the occasional diaper commercial. Sure the moms in those commercials were cutely frazzled in their spunky SAHM sportswear. But they glowed happily as they chased that rosy moppet around the brightly colored (and spotlessly clean!) carpet and I was sure this was the future waiting for me. Nothing – I mean NOTHING – had prepared me to handle this tiny wrinkled pink creature who cried. A lot.

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