When my first was born I was incredibly lost and spent the better part of an entire year flailing about with naps and night sleep because I didn’t understand how to help him become a successful sleeper. Thankfully I know a lot more now 😆

Back then I didn’t understand:

  • It is essential for babies and big kids to develop the skill of falling asleep independently. 
  • That they are capable of doing this at a very young age (younger than you think!)
  • Timing is everything - too soon/too late will sabotage the best laid plans.
  • It gets better, like soooo much better!

I know we’re just getting to know each other but I hope to help minimize the time you spend flailing and get your family on track for successful sleep ASAP.

Welcome aboard,

I really appreciate you taking the time to confirm your subscription and in return, promise I will do my level best to share with you all the information and tools you need to set your whole family up for healthy sleep. 

Awesome - you are all set!