Increasingly parents are using infant wearable monitors. These wearable devices are worn as a leg band, sock, or pinned onto the diaper, and claim to monitor your child’s wellbeing by tracking their breathing, pulse rate, blood oxygen levels, etc. Although they can’t outright claim to prevent SIDS, the marketing material strongly hints at, “Buy this […]
Let’s have some realtalk about pacifiers. Pacifiers will eventually cause sleep problems for most of you. But the benefits of using a paci are so significant, I encourage all parents of newborns to really try to get their baby to use one for sleep. Yes, even knowing that it will be an issue for many […]
Parenting a toddler can make you yearn for the glorious newborn days where you could just carry your compliant child around with you like an adorable loaf of bread. So it’s no surprise that parents find themselves looking for techniques to help manage their toddler’s behavior because toddlers, by their very nature, are often unmanageable. […]
[box type=”blank” align=”center” class=”border-dashed2″] This post is by guest author Tracy Cutchlow, who is a smart cool person, and also the author of Zero to Five: 70 Essential Parenting Tips Based on Science (and What I’’ve Learned So Far) and editor of the bestselling books Brain Rules for Baby and Brain Rules. As a journalist, […]
[box type=”blank” class=”border-dashed2″] We’re heading into the holidays AKA “that time of year where strangers will hand your children cookies and treats.” Why? Because seeing their little faces light up as they bite into a chocolate nut brownie is the absolute BEST. Or course you won’t be enjoying it because you’ll too busy exploding into […]
[box type=”blank” class=”border-dashed2″] Today we have a visitor from Australia where, as many of you know, I am practically Oprah. Emily is a writer and a Mom who has offered to share some great suggestions on how to not let being a new mom turn you into a bloated, exhausted, zombie-like mess. Welcome Emily! [/box] […]
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