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[box type=”blank” class=”border-dashed2″]Dustin Rowles is the senior Overlord over at Pajiba, where I spend most of my time diddling on the Internet, reading up on movies I’ll never have the childcare to go see and arguing about which Masterpiece Theater leading man is the hottest (there is only one answer to this question and it […]

parenting tips nobody ever tells you
sleep training definitions
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To begin what will sure to be a much reviled series on Sleep Training I feel the need to get a clear understand of what we are (or are not) talking about. About 50% of the people who will read this are not from the US, are probably reading different baby books, and using different […]

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You’re so tired you forgot to put on underwear. There seems to be dried curry on your pants but that can’t POSSIBLY be right because you haven’t had Indian food in 2 weeks. Is that curry? Your baby just fell asleep in the car and you’re so desperate for a break that you’re going to […]

White picket fence, green grass, and blue skies.
Sleeping baby
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After you’ve read 1 or 8 books on baby sleep you may be rightfully confused about why your 8 month+ baby is not sleeping through the night. And while I’ll admit that there are a few reasons why this may be happening 99% of the time there is one single reason why older babies, toddlers, […]

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