Looking for awesome books to share with kids? Great! I’ve got some some great books for you! These aren’t just books my kids and I adore (although they definitely meet that criteria). They also feature diversity of race, gender, the differently abled, and sexuality. Let’s pause for a second and consider why that’s important. Children’s […]
[box type=”blank” align=”center” class=”border-dashed2″] This post is by guest author Tracy Cutchlow, who is a smart cool person, and also the author of Zero to Five: 70 Essential Parenting Tips Based on Science (and What I’’ve Learned So Far) and editor of the bestselling books Brain Rules for Baby and Brain Rules. As a journalist, […]
I love books. I will take any opportunity to read, buy, talk about, gift, or otherwise opine on a wonderful book. So it is with great gleeful glee that I share with you what is clearly the Best Christmas Book of 2013. Santa Calls is a gem. As someone who pays attention to books I’m […]
Nobody is driving down the baby sleep road, looking at their finely detailed baby sleep map, saying, “Well, it looks like we’ve missed the turn off into Putdownawake-port so in the next 4-6 weeks we’re going to have to exit into Cryitoutsville.” Instead you wake up one morning feeling nauseous with the realization that sleep […]
I have made no secret of my unassailable love of swaddling. Swaddling babies might be the only thing I love more than Game of Thrones (Winter is coming, unless you live here in VT where apparently winter is already here and apparently, never ending). Swaddling provides so many benefits (not even including how cute little […]
This post (which I’m leaving in it’s original form) was written in 2013. Both Dr. Karp and I have moved on from our original stance on swings and safe sleep. Neither of us recommends infant swings at all anymore. Science has moved on and so have we. If you’re struggling with newborn sleep (which is […]
Let’s face it, most holiday books are pretty lame. Take any well-known series of books (Little Critter, Bernstein Bears, etc.), slap a Christmas tree on it and voila – Christmas book. Usually somebody is learning an important lesson about the true spirit of Christmas which means they’re dull, preachy, and your kids won’t dig them. […]
I don’t care what your nap or bedtime routine is like as long as a) it exists b) you like it and c) it involves books. Reading with your kids is a fun and wonderful way to connect with your kids. It’s the most powerful tool you have to create a strong foundation for literacy. […]
Start with the book to gain access so you can get sleep support. You don’t have to go it alone!