Start with the book to gain access so you can get sleep support. You don’t have to go it alone!
Ah fall, the time of year to rake leaves, pick apples, and see which sweaters still fit. Fall is also known as “the time we set our clocks back despite the fact that there is zero evidence it does anything positive for anybody.” This is commonly known as Daylight Savings Time or DST. In the […]
If you read many of the posts here you’ll find that the term “consistency” comes up approximately 1,203,468 times. Consistency is a really powerful component of helping your child sleep. Where does your child sleep? Who cares, just be consistent! What does your bedtime routine look like? Who cares, just be consistent! I use the […]
Nobody is driving down the baby sleep road, looking at their finely detailed baby sleep map, saying, “Well, it looks like we’ve missed the turn off into Putdownawake-port so in the next 4-6 weeks we’re going to have to exit into Cryitoutsville.” Instead you wake up one morning feeling nauseous with the realization that sleep […]
A few weeks ago I decided to give away a few free personal sleep consults on Facebook. I fully expected to get a handful of comments and end up doing 1-2 free consults. I ended up with over 400 comments and 13 families to work with. Thirteen. Not one or two. THIRTEEN. So that’s what […]
[box type=”blank” class=”border-dashed2″]Dustin Rowles is the senior Overlord over at Pajiba, where I spend most of my time diddling on the Internet, reading up on movies I’ll never have the childcare to go see and arguing about which Masterpiece Theater leading man is the hottest (there is only one answer to this question and it […]
One of the most commonly held baby myths is that, “babies will sleep when they are tired.” Life would be simpler if it were true….but it’s not. Helping your baby fall asleep, figuring out when they need to sleep, and making sure they get enough sleep is pretty much the bane of every new parent. […]
I get tons of baby sleep email, mostly because people don’t like to air their dirty baby sleep laundry in the comment section. I get it. The web is where we share parenting triumphs: baby’s first steps, first time on the potty, first Christmas. But email is where the real work of parenting happens: cry […]
While I’m all about “putting it out there”, there are some truths in life it’s best to keep to ones self. Such as… [list type=”checklist”] That reason I always wear my good bra and lipgloss to the pediatrician’s office. My shameful undergraduate GPA. Acknowledging that I may have read every Kresley Cole book in print. […]
Start with the book to gain access so you can get sleep support. You don’t have to go it alone!