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Can you boil down what parenting means to you into six short words?

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For many parents, daylight savings time feels like the Kobayashi Maru* of sleep. Scientists have essentially ruled out the idea that daylight savings reduces energy use, and it may in fact lead to greater incidence of heart attacks and car accidents. The only undeniable outcome of daylight savings time is that it will muck up […]

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I try not to court controversy because I don’t actually see parenting as all that controversial. A wide range of parenting decisions are totally OK and there are many approaches that can work like gangbusters. Parents all over the world are happily and lovingly caring for their children by breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, co-sleeping, crib-sleeping, baby-wearing, etc. […]

is sleep training child abuse
getting a second crib when pregnant again
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This is part of a series that will discuss things you may want to consider as you prepare for the arrival of your second baby. Or third. Or fifth. While there are many things you may be focused on (like snagging your one remaining pacifier from the bottom of the fish tank) this post is […]

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I tend to emphasize night sleep because it’s easier to sort things out at night (stop laughing, I’m totally serious). When everybody is sleeping better at night, improving naps is far more likely. And your efforts to improve your child’s night sleep is entirely dependent upon one thing. Bedtime. What happens at bedtime, when bedtime […]

bedtime and baby sleep
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If you read many of the posts here you’ll find that the term “consistency” comes up approximately 1,203,468 times. Consistency is a really powerful component of helping your child sleep. Where does your child sleep? Who cares, just be consistent! What does your bedtime routine look like? Who cares, just be consistent! I use the […]

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Last week I had the opportunity to enjoy some of the gentle joys of California which included beautiful desert flowers, outstanding wine, and a lovely meeting with leading pediatric sleep and apnea specialist Rafael Pelayo from the Stanford School of Medicine. You should also know Rafael is often interviewed by O (for Oprah) Magazine. So […]

meeting with raphael pelayo
think baby is reacting to food?
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[box type=”blank” class=”border-dashed2″] This article is AMAZING. And I can say that because I didn’t write it. It’s everything you need to know if you think your child might have an issue with something in their (or your) diet. How to figure it out, what the likely culprit is, and how to manage it. It’s […]

yes please

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