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In this episode we discuss newborn sleep, although why would be because let’s be honest here, newborn babies don’t sleep. At least not in the way you might hope. Newborn Babies are Mysterious When my first was born I was given the advice, “Follow his lead! He’ll let you know what he needs!” Really? Because […]

taking the mystery out of newborn sleep
podcast launch precious little sleep
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We’re podcasting people!!! (*Drops Mic*) (*Picks mic back up because it’s needed for podcasting*) Welcome to the Precious Little Sleep Parenting Podcast! We’re podcasting because it’s 2016 and all the cool kids are doing it. And also because it’s not always easy to read when you’ve got your hands full with a baby or two. […]

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The Journal of Pediatrics published a new study investigating the possible relationship between swaddling and SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). The study concludes, “These analyses indicate that the current advice to avoid placing infants on their front or side to sleep may especially apply to infants who are swaddled.” Is this news? Not really. Sleeping […]

swaddling and SIDS
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Sleep training is often spoken of in hushed tones, as though it’s a conversation that should only take place in back alleys. It’s the kind of thing that has gotten more than a few people kicked out of Facebook groups for even suggesting it (which is horrifying and something that would never happen in my […]

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Can you boil down what parenting means to you into six short words?

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Ah fall, the time of year to rake leaves, pick apples, and see which sweaters still fit. Fall is also known as “the time we set our clocks back despite the fact that there is zero evidence it does anything positive for anybody.” This is commonly known as Daylight Savings Time or DST. In the […]

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Before I gave birth I imagined a halcyon future where my baby would take 2-hour naps all day during which I would blissfully spend exercising, assembling a Pinterest-worthy baby book, binge-watching Outlander. You know, all the stuff you guys probably do all day. So you can imagine my surprise when my first nugget was born, […]

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For many parents, daylight savings time feels like the Kobayashi Maru* of sleep. Scientists have essentially ruled out the idea that daylight savings reduces energy use, and it may in fact lead to greater incidence of heart attacks and car accidents. The only undeniable outcome of daylight savings time is that it will muck up […]

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